Δευτέρα 10 Μαρτίου 2025



AEROSMITH, Night In The Ruts (1979)


Άγνωστο μεταξύ αγνώστων.

Σε αυτό το  έκτο άλμπουμ τους οι Αμερικάνοι αυτοί ταγοί του μελωδικού Hard Rock, δεν κάνουν κάτι που θα μας κάνει να μείνουμε με το στόμα ανοιχτό αλλά παραμένουν πιστοί στο δρόμο που οι ίδιοι ξεκίνησαν. Κι είναι κιθαριστικά ο πιο τραχύς δίσκος τους αν και η χρήση κάποιων επιπλέον ήχων από χάλκινα πνευστά σε λίγα σημεία, λίγο ξαφνιάζει το άκουσμα. Μάλιστα το χτύπημα της αποχώρησης του Joe Perry λίγο πριν την ολοκλήρωση  της ηχογράφησης του δίσκου,  έριξε το πρεστίζ του συγκροτήματος. Ο κιθαρίστας Brad Whitford βέβαια δεν έγραψε μόνος του τα μέρη της κιθάρας, αφού μεγάλο ποσοστό ήταν ήδη γραμμένο απ' τον Joe. Steven Tyler σταθερά στο μικρόφωνο, Tom Hamilton μπάσο και Joey Kramer ντραμς, είναι το υπόλοιπο πλήρωμα στον δίσκο. Η παραγωγή του Gary Lyons (ο οποίος θα κάνει δουλειές και με τους Saxon μελλοντικά) δίνει στα κομμάτια τον αέρα που πρέπει. Αν ρωτήσεις έναν μέσο φίλο του σχήματος σίγουρα δε θα σου προτείνει αυτόν το δίσκο, αυτό βεβαίως δε θα πει ότι έχουμε ένα κακό δισκογραφικά παράδειγμα. Η εποχή των υπερβολών, των διαφόρων ουσιών που ταλάνιζαν τους Aerosmith από τον πρώτο ομώνυμο δίσκο τους, φτάνει εδώ στο ζενίθ της αλλά μουσικά, δε θα χαλάσει τα αφτιά κανενός το υλικό εδώ. Κρατάμε τα No Surprize, Chiquita, Cheese Cake, Three Mile Smile (αυτοπεριγράφεται  ο Steve Tyler;) , Bone To Bone / Coney Island White Fish Boy, Think About It αλλά κι η διασκευή Reefer Head Woman σε Jazz Gillum και δε θα μείνουμε τελικά ανικανοποίητοι.


Unknown Among Unknowns

In this sixth album, these American purveyors of melodic Hard Rock don't deliver anything that will leave us speechless, but they remain faithful to the path they started on. Musically, it's their most rugged album yet, although the incorporation of some additional brass sounds at a few points does add an unexpected twist to the listening experience. The impact of Joe Perry's departure just before the album's completion certainly affected the band's prestige. Of course, guitarist Brad Whitford didn't write all the guitar parts on his own, as a significant portion was already composed by Joe. Steven Tyler remains steady at the microphone, with Tom Hamilton on bass and Joey Kramer on drums rounding out the band. Production by Gary Lyons (who will also work with Saxon in the future) gives the songs the right atmosphere.

If you ask an average fan of the band, they probably won't recommend this album, but that doesn't mean it’s a poor addition to their discography. The era of excess and various substances that plagued Aerosmith since their first self-titled album reaches a peak here, but musically, the material will not disappoint anyone. We can enjoy tracks like "No Surprize," "Chiquita," "Cheese Cake," "Three Mile Smile" (does Steve Tyler describe himself there?), "Bone To Bone / Coney Island White Fish Boy," "Think About It," and the cover of "Reefer Head Woman" by Jazz Gillum, which ensures we won't come away unsatisfied after listening.

Τάκης "Ε-Μortal One" Γιώτης!


Genre: Melodic Metal

Country: Germany

Questions by: Nick Parastatidis

Answers by: Frank Breuninger (Vocals)

Site: Homepage

1. You've recently welcomed a new lineup for "Signs of the Time." How has this fresh energy changed the way you create music together? Are there any fun stories from the recording sessions?

Well, new musicians always bring a new, or rather a different dynamic to the band. This didn't have such a big impact on the recordings, as the songs were actually already more or less pre-produced. Of course, everyone added their own touch to one or the other song, but the most exciting part was the rehearsals together to prepare the new material for concerts. And of course we had a lot of fun shooting the music videos for the last album.

2. Your sound has evolved quite a bit since your early days as an AOR hard rock band. What musical influences shaped this latest album, and how do they reflect where you are as a band today?

I think the musical influences always change a little, depending on which bands are particularly inspiring you at the time. For us, for the "Signs Of The Time" album, it was more symphonic and power metal elements that influenced our classic melodic metal style a little. Basically, though, we see ourselves as a melodic metal band, and I think the album fits that really well.

3. It’s exciting to hear about your collaboration with musicians from Kissin’ Dynamite, especially on “Forgiveness.” Can you share a little about how that collaboration came together and what it was like working with them?

Well, Hannes Braun is not only an excellent singer, but also a good composer and producer, and I personally really appreciate his work. Since we've known each other for a long time, I asked him if he had a song idea that would fit DARK SKY. Hannes actually found an older song idea that I also liked and from which the song Forgiveness was born. And I have known the former KD drummer Andi Schnitzer for a long time, as Andi also helped out on the drums live with DARK SKY. Since Andi is a really good lyricist, we have already worked together on my album with the band Timesless Rage and for the current DARK SKY album, I was able to get Andi to write two song lyrics.

4. Every album has its highlights. Is there one track on "Signs of the Time" that you’re particularly proud of or that holds special meaning for you?

Oh, that's a difficult question, because actually all the songs on the album are like my babies, ha, ha, ha. But OK, the title track "Signs Of The Time" has ultimately become something special for me, because of the atmosphere and the musical implementation of the theme.

5. Your lyrics touch on a variety of themes, from personal struggles to societal issues. What inspired you to write about topics like the ones in “We’re Falling” and “Heroes On Ice”?

With "Heroes On Ice" I was simply inspired by the fascination of ice hockey. Because my son plays in the youth team of the local ice hockey club and we often go to the pros' games together, we have a pretty good insight, even a little behind the scenes. Yes, the song is a tribute to the pros and all their suffering.

With "We're Falling" I express more the frustration and anger about the changes in our world, where in the end the individual will probably be the victim.

6. Four decades in music is an impressive feat! What keeps the fire burning for Dark Sky? How do you manage to stay excited and inspired after all these years?

Ha, ha, ha, I ask myself that regularly too... seriously, it's probably the love of music and the positive reactions of the fans to our releases and at our concerts that always give you strength and motivation.

7. Every journey has its ups and downs. Can you share a challenging moment from your career? How did it shape you as a band?

Well, in the long history of the band there have been several ups and downs. Musicians who left the band at really bad times or serious concert cancellations and contracts with record companies that didn't keep their word. But also highlights, like the first big concert with the Scorpions or the first CD release in Japan. As a band you learn to deal with the ups and downs, so that you stay grounded when things are going well and don't break down when things go wrong.

8. With the new album out, what’s next for Dark Sky? Are there any upcoming shows or new projects on the horizon that you can share with us?

We are currently busy putting together new material for the next DARK SKY album. We have already pre-produced a few songs and maybe we can release a single in advance for the summer. But that also depends on our label. In addition, we are working with our agency to put together the concerts that we want and can play from the summer onwards. It will definitely be exciting.

9. As a band with a rich history, what advice would you give to younger musicians aspiring to make their mark in the rock/heavy metal scene?

Well, it's important to have the right people around you, including within the band. Then you should make music that you really love and not bend yourself too much. And finally, you shouldn't give up too quickly and should persevere in your own way.

10. When it comes to performing live, which songs from "Signs of the Time" are you most excited to play for the fans? What makes those tracks special to you?

Aside from the title track, I always think "Wonderland" is great when we play this song in rehearsal or on stage. But of course the opening song "Fools" is pure adrenaline at every performance. I think it's the dynamics of these songs and how they feel when you sing them that make them so special.

11. Frank, your vocals are said to convey so much emotion. When you’re singing, what do you hope listeners feel or take away from your performances?

That's not easy to write. Of course you try to convey as many emotions as possible with your singing, but sometimes you succeed and sometimes you don't. That's why a concert is always an interplay of what the audience hears and what they see. So what is the band's show like, how do the movements and gestures fit with the song? That's at least as important in a performance as the pure sound of the voice. That's why the audience should take away from a concert above all that the band gave everything to give the audience a great experience.

12. Before we wrap up, is there anything you’d like to say to your fans and supporters about “Signs of the Time” and this exciting new chapter for Dark Sky?

Yes, we are happy about every nice comment under our posts on social media and on our music videos on YouTube. I invite all friends of melodic metal to listen to the album "Signs Of The Time" and last but not least, it would be great if we could see each other at a concert somewhere and sometime.

Κυριακή 9 Μαρτίου 2025

REVIEW: DOKKEN, Tooth And Nail


DOKKEN, Tooth And Nail (1984)

Elektra Records

Εσείς που τους κατατάσσετε;

Οι Dokken με τους Don Dokken φωνή, George Lynch κιθάρα, απ' αυτό με τον Jeff Pilson μπάσο και πίσω απ' τα τύμπανα τον Mick Brown, στο δεύτερο άλμπουμ της πολυτάραχης ιστορίας τους. Αν θέλετε πείτε το, το πρώτο κλασικό άλμπουμ τους, ή το πρώτο καθαρά metal έστω. Και αφού φτάσαμε στην ονοματολογία, οι Dokken, δεν είναι Glam, Hair ή δε ξέρω τί άλλο έχουν αποκαλεστεί από τους "ειδήμονες" του μουσικού τύπου. Παιδιά βγάλτε το κερί απ' τα αφτάκια, βάλτε το Tooth and Nail τέρμα κι απολαύστε ατόφιο και συμπαγές αλλά μελωδικό U.S. Heavy Metal! Δηλαδή τί άλλο; Την ίδια εποχή π.χ. πως θα λέγατε τα πρώτα δύο άλμπουμ των γειτόνων τους Motley Crue; Άλλο που μετά οι τελευταίοι έγιναν Hair, έτσι κι αλλιώς το image προϋπήρχε.  Οι Dokken το πολύ-πολύ να έβαλαν λίγο πιο πολύ λακ στο μαλλί για τη φωτογραφία των δίσκων, κατά τα άλλα είναι πολύ πιο τίμιοι σε αυτό που γράφουν και παίζουν, θα έλεγα ανάμεσα σε Quiet Riot κι Armored Saint είναι το γήπεδο τους. Tooth and Nail, Just Got Lucky, Don't Close Your Eyes,  When Heaven Comes Down, ο ΥΜΝΟΣ Into the Fire, Bullets to Spare, το Turn On the Action κι η power ballad του δίσκου Alone Again ανάμεσα στα άλλα κομμάτια θα σας βοηθήσουν να μπείτε στο νόημα.


Where do you classify them?

Dokken, featuring Don Dokken on vocals, George Lynch on guitar, Jeff Pilson on bass, and Mick Brown on drums, released their second album during their tumultuous journey. You could call it their first classic album, or at least their first pure metal record. Speaking of classifications, Dokken should not be labeled as Glam, Hair, or whatever else the "experts" in music journalism have named them. Come on, take the wax out of your ears, crank up Tooth and Nail, and enjoy pure, solid, yet melodic U.S. Heavy Metal! I mean, what else would you call it?

For instance, how would you refer to the first two albums of their neighbors, Mötley Crüe? Sure, the latter eventually became known for their Hair Metal image, but that look was already established. Dokken might have added a bit more hairspray for their album photos, but they're much more genuine in what they write and play. I’d say they fit nicely between Quiet Riot and Armored Saint. Tracks like "Tooth and Nail," "Just Got Lucky," "Don't Close Your Eyes," "When Heaven Comes Down," the ANTHEM "Into the Fire," "Bullets to Spare," "Turn On the Action," and the power ballad "Alone Again" among other songs will help you grasp their essence.

Τάκης "Ε-Μortal One" Γιώτης!




Nuclear Blast Records

Η κυρία Campbell τί να είπε για το όνομα του γκρουπ;

Όταν έχεις γράψει τις κιθάρες τους NWOBHM θεούληδες Persian Risk από το 1980 και έχεις απ' το 1984 μπει κιθαρίστας και στις τάξεις του μεγαλύτερου Hard Rock/Punk/Heavy Metal σχήματος του γαλαξία κι έχεις μείνει στη θέση σου ως το τέλος του Κυρίου υμών και ημών Lemmy Kilmister το 2015, τί σου απομένει να κάνεις; Μετά λοιπόν το τέλος των Motörhead, ο τιτάνιος και αγαπητός ντράμερ Mickey Dee αποφάσισε να "χαντακωθεί" στους κάποτε ήρωες αλλά πλέον ξεπεσμένους από πολλές απόψεις Scorpions, ο Phil Campbell όμως μοντάρισε ανάμεσα σε άλλα project το συγκεκριμένο συγκρότημα. Αν η έννοια οικογενειακή επιχείρηση σε σας θυμίζει την αγαπημένη σας ταβέρνα σε κάποιο νησί του Αιγαίου ή του Ιονίου, για τον Phil το σχήμα αυτό είναι πραγματικά η οικογένεια του! Με τους γιους του Todd, Tyla και  Dave Campbell σε 2η κιθάρα, μπάσο και ντραμς αντίστοιχα και στο μικρόφωνο τον αξιαγάπητο κύριο Neil Starr, στο δεύτερο πλήρες άλμπουμ τους (έχουν και άλλα δύο E.P.s πέραν του ντεμπούτου The Age of Absurdity το 2018) και όπως είδαμε στο καταπληκτικό εκείνο live στο Gagarin 205 το φθινόπωρο του 2018, σαρώνουν άνετα. Δεκαεφτά κομμάτια (των οποίων το τελευταίο να είναι η διασκευή στο Rock 'N' Roll των Motörhead κιόλας) σε Hard and Heavy φόρμες, τρέλα κέφια και κάμποση groove φάση για πάνω από μια ώρα  σε ένα υπέρ του δέοντος χορταστικό CD.

English :

What did Mrs. Campbell say about the band's name?

When you've been playing guitar for the NWOBHM legends Persian Risk since 1980, and you’ve been a guitarist in the ranks of the greatest Hard Rock/Punk/Heavy Metal band in the galaxy since 1984, remaining in your position until the end of our lord Lemmy Kilmister in 2015, what is left for you to do? After the demise of Motörhead, the titanic and beloved drummer Mickey Dee decided to "dive into" the once-heroic but now somewhat fallen Scorpions. However, Phil Campbell put together this particular band among various other projects. If for you the term "family business" reminds you of your favorite tavern on a Greek island in the Aegean or Ionian Sea, for Phil, this band is truly his family! With his sons Todd, Tyla, and Dave Campbell handling guitar, bass, and drums respectively, and the lovable Neil Starr on vocals, they have released their second full album (in addition to two other EPs beyond their debut, "The Age of Absurdity" in 2018). As we witnessed in that amazing live performance at Gagarin 205 in the fall of 2018, they deliver an impressive show. Seventeen tracks, with the last being a cover of Motörhead's "Rock 'N' Roll," showcasing a Hard and Heavy sound, along with plenty of energy and groove, all packed into a satisfying CD that lasts over an hour.

Τάκης "Ε-Μortal One" Γιώτης!

Σάββατο 8 Μαρτίου 2025

REVIEW: CHASTAIN, The 7th Of Never


CHASTAIN, The 7th Of Never (1987)

Jolly Roger Records

Η κυρία έχει γρεζι!

Και η κυρία βέβαια είναι η μόνιμη συνεργάτης του βιρτουόζου κιθαρίστα David T. Chastain, η σιδηρά κυρία (άσχημος ο συνειρμός με την εμετική Θάτσερ, αλλά ταιριάζει δυστυχώς) Leather Leone. Το τρίτο άλμπουμ τών Chastain θα το έχετε μάλλον δεί με το άλλο του εξωφύλλο με το κάστρο σε πρώτο πλάνο στη κορυφή του βουνού, στην επανέκδοση έχει μετακινηθεί πίσω στο φόντο, μας παρουσιάζει ατελείωτο shredding στη καθαρά απ'  τον David, τα φτιαγμένα από μεταλλικό χρώμιο κι ανοξείδωτο ατσάλι φωνητικά της Leather , το μπάσο του Mike Skimmerhorn και τα τύμπανα του Ken Mary. Γνωστός κι για το άλλο σχήμα που συμμετέχει τους CJSS, ο Chastain (είναι το αρχικό "C" κι ο μπασίστας ο Mike είναι κι εκεί το ένα "S” ) γράφει και παραδίδει αβίαστα μαθήματα αμερικανικού Heavy και Power Metal με αρκετές επικές και μυθικές αναφορές στιχουργικά. Ένα cult διαμάντι της χρήσης εποχής του μεταλλικού underground της δεκαετίας του '80 περικλείεται σε ύμνους σαν τα We Must Carry On, Paradise, It's Too Late For Yesterday, The 7th Of Never, Take Me Back In Time, Forevermore, Feel His Magic. Τα δύο bonus , demo κομμάτια στο CD,  Back On Top Again και Searching For You προστίθενται στο άψογο σύνολο.


The lady has grit!

And the lady, of course, is the long-time collaborator of virtuoso guitarist David T. Chastain, the Iron Lady (though the association with the abhorrent Thatcher is unfortunate, it unfortunately fits) Leather Leone. You may have seen Chastain's third album with its alternative cover featuring a castle prominently set atop a mountain; in the reissue, it has been moved back into the background, presenting us with endless shredding purely from David, the chrome and stainless steel vocals of Leather, Mike Skimmerhorn's bass, and Ken Mary's drums. Known for his involvement in another band, CJSS (the "C" refers to Chastain, and bassist Mike represents one of the "S's"), Chastain effortlessly writes and delivers lessons in American Heavy and Power Metal with plenty of epic and mythical lyrical references. A cult gem from the era of the '80s metal underground is encapsulated in anthems like "We Must Carry On," "Paradise," "It's Too Late For Yesterday," "The 7th Of Never," "Take Me Back In Time," "Forevermore," and "Feel His Magic." The two bonus demo tracks on the CD, "Back On Top Again" and "Searching For You," add to the impeccable collection.

Τάκης "Ε-Μortal One" Γιώτης!

REVIEW: SEVENTH SON - Demo Singles Anthology


SEVENTH SON - Demo Singles Anthology

Obscure NWOBHM Releases

I really enjoy when a release I’m about to present allows me to expand into topics beyond just music, such as mythology. The name SEVENTH SON, chosen by the band’s creators, is familiar to us from IRON MAIDEN. However, this band began its activity long before the release of the IRON MAIDEN album, specifically in 1980. Thus, their source of inspiration must be sought elsewhere, particularly in tradition.

The myth of the "seventh son of a seventh son" is widespread in many cultures, where the number seven is considered a symbol of completion and perfection. According to tradition, the seventh son in a sequence of seven boys, without any daughters in between, is said to possess special abilities. In Ireland, for example, the seventh son is regarded as a healer with special powers, while in England, particularly in Lancashire, the same title is attributed to individuals with healing capabilities.

On the other hand, in countries like Argentina, Paraguay, Brazil, and Uruguay, there is a belief that the seventh son of a seventh son is doomed to transform into a werewolf. To avert this fate, various rituals are performed, such as multiple baptisms, among others.

Another interesting point I want to mention before moving on to the description of the release is the cover art, which depicts a flying V guitar impaled in the eye of a humanoid moon. This cover references the French film from 1902, "Le Voyage dans la Lune," directed by Georges Méliès.

Now, let’s get to the main topic. This release is a collection of demos and singles from the early period of the still-active band. The package includes 18 tracks and is part of the history of the NWOBHM movement, containing many unforgettable moments that will surely excite listeners, especially those who love this musical sound.

The music of SEVENTH SON combines elements of classic '80s heavy metal with dynamic hard rock elements and rock 'n' roll transitions, while the punk rock influence remains limited. This blend creates a sound that highlights the NWOBHM era, with an emphasis on melodies and technical playing.

Notably, as representatives of the NWOBHM scene, SEVENTH SON shares several elements with bands like SAXON. Both bands orchestrate classic heavy metal elements, focusing on melodic lines and dynamic performances. However, SEVENTH SON adds a stronger hard rock dimension to their sound, while SAXON tends to concentrate on epic anthems and more powerful compositions. This similarity becomes even more pronounced with the vocals of singer Brian Shaughnessy, which strongly resemble Biff Byford's, especially from the "Denim And Leather" era.

In summary, this release deserves the attention of fans who love quality NWOBHM sound and wish to discover more music in the vein of the old great SAXON.

Nick Parastatidis

Παρασκευή 7 Μαρτίου 2025

Οι ΑΦΑΝΕΙΑ κυκλοφορούν τη δισκογραφική τους δουλειά με τίτλο «Έξι Ύμνοι για τον Θάνατο»


Οι ΑΦΑΝΕΙΑ από τη Θεσσαλονίκη ανακοινώνουν την κυκλοφορία του νέου τους άλμπουμ «Έξι Ύμνοι για τον Θάνατο» στις 6 Μαρτίου. Πρόκειται για το δεύτερο full-length album τους, δύο χρόνια μετά το ντεμπούτο «Μακριά απ’ τον Κόσμο». Ο νέος δίσκος περιλαμβάνει έξι ηλεκτρικά κομμάτια και τρία ακουστικά interludes, προσφέροντας μια αιχμηρή ματιά στη σημερινή πραγματικότητα, όπου ο θάνατος και η δυστυχία κυριαρχούν.

Με διάρκεια 35 λεπτών, το άλμπουμ αναδεικνύει τη μοναδική μουσική γλώσσα των ΑΦΑΝΕΙΑ, συνδυάζοντας heavy στοιχεία με υπαρξιακή θεματολογία. Κομμάτια όπως «Μιά Ακόμη Μέρα» και «Πνιγμένη μες στο Σκότος» διαπραγματεύονται τη νέα τους καλλιτεχνική κατεύθυνση.

Το «Έξι Ύμνοι για τον Θάνατο» θα είναι διαθέσιμο σε CD μέσω της MoonFuzzRecordings. Οι ΑΦΑΝΕΙΑ συνεχίζουν να παίζουν ζωντανά, προσκαλώντας το κοινό να συμμετάσχει στην εσωτερική τους αναζήτηση.